Sunday, January 20, 2008

Arch_506 ParaMod

This is a class I'm enrolled in now. I'm posting this so you all know what I'm talking about, later in the future.The class is using Digital Project, aka Catia, which is made by Gerhy Technolgy. You can buy a student edition for 150 dollars and 30 dollars for shipping, if you feel like giving it a shot. I just started working with it, so in the future I'll post more screen shots from the work I do it.

Final Design_Archive_Detroit, MI

Design: Archive of Techno and Electronic Music
Program:Archive//People Mover Transit Stop
Site: Detroit, MI

To continue where I left off..

The research done with sampling, combining it with to the part to whole relationship led me into a strange path. Do I use it as structure within the design? Or use it within a skin system of some sort? Or maybe go into a different path they may lead me in the right direction?

Unfortunately, at first, I decided to go down a different path and explore the use of cloth in 3d max as a dynamic system applied onto a rigid body on my site. I had doubts about it from the beginning and even questioned my professor if it was the right path to choose at the time. He told me to go with it and I did. It didn't turn out to be a good decision after I presented to other faculty.

So after that mishap, I decided to use it as a skin applied to the form I gave it. I took it as easy as possible when constructing the form and took it to the next level of complexity from within. I simple just extruded the site up and started to work within a framework of program that I developed, which is show in the first drawing in the upper left corner of the final board. From that I dissected each elevation as a frame to work from, this is the next image after the program shot. The next two images show the transformation of the frame into a rib that allowed the viewing from the people mover pick up/drop off spot to view into the performance area of the archive to attract others to come in a be a part the activity going on here. The rib also contributed as structural support for the building. By giving it a rib it led to a house of card style of construction, that in the spaces that the rib cantilevered it was provided with a floor to ceiling truss that gave support to the remaining structure, the last image in the previous sequence shows the following.

The next set of images in the middle of the left side shows the sampling that was applied to different areas within the program. The skin make up was determined by using a strip that was twisted at 540 degrees and spread out to the different areas of the framework previously configured. The sampled research I came up with earlier was then applied to individual pieces of the program. Since I don't have a super computer I can't model the entire building with the each pieces of sampled skin, so I've represented it in a zoomed in fashion. The rest of the images are just plans, sections, and perspectives of the project.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Research: The rest

This is the rest of the research I did within the part to whole sampling parametric manipulation. I felt guilty not showing it all and just giving you a trailer version of it. I'd like to hear which ones you like, just for curiosity. Sorry for the layout, I'm still fighting with bloggers crappy posting display.

The bottom 3 images are the co partners for the images I posted earlier.

Research: Sampling//Part-to-Whole

This research started off from a idea I had after my mid review sometime in October. The idea was to take two things that I was really interested in, architectural and non-architectural, these being the part and whole relationship and techno music while combining them in some way. This idea then morphed into using sampling from DJ culture and electronic music and using it as a analogy for combining the part to whole relationship into the process one would undertake by creating techno. There is a correlation between the design project and my idea.

First I'll explain the project for the class, we were to design an archive, that was located in Detroit within the people mover. The people mover is an elevated railway system that circles the downtown area of Detroit. What we archived was totally up to us and the site was also up to us, as long as it was within the people mover. The class was ran in the following way; we were given a piece of the ingredients and we had to figure out the rest of the recipe, which I though was great. I decided to archive techno and electronic music. I did this for the following reasons: 1. I appreciate the music and 2. Detroit is the birth place of techno. The site I decided to use was right next to the people mover. So the research I produced started by taking photos that I took while in Detroit. I then used a particular photo to sample out many parts. Then I used the part and came up with a greater whole, multiple times.

The parts were taken into rhino. I only allowed myself to use only two parametric moves at the most to produce the whole.

The first set of images is the photo I used, zoomed in and sampled. The rest is just a couple of studies I did with the parts and the whole make up. These are only a few of them just to show, I have way too many to show all of them. If you want to see the whole booklet tell me and I'll email it to you. I believe its email size.

Next upload will be my final design. I needed to show this first in order for you to understand the premise of the design.