Saturday, December 8, 2007

Digi Fab_Japanese Joint Final Product

Here is the final product of the japanese joint for my digital fabrication class. The video is just a short portion of cutting the joint on the router.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Digi Fab_Japanese Joint

For my last project we have to create a japanese joint composed of 4 parts with 2 joints in the part(3 segments). The hard part of the assignment is that each segment within the part is cut at angles (0,5,10,15) varied throughout plan and section. It gets harder, we had to create a jig in order to transform the 3 axis router into a 5 axis router. This is just the first attempt to cut the joint, I'll post the finished product after its done. Oh, the joint didn't work because we forgot to add in a tolerance for the joint. Ha

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Building Tech Model

Assignment: develop a place of worship and develop it's construction documents/build sectional model

Arc 516

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Have any of you used microsoft visio?

its a requirement (along with illustrator and flash) for a diagramming and mapping class i hope to register for in the spring....just trying to see what i am getting myself into


Monday, November 12, 2007

Same Scrim different Rendering

This is an image of a scrim I am developing as a means of mediating two drastically different views on architecture. The scrim is a means of distinguishing a threshold between a conservative community and a complex, contemporary architecture program. Nick Christopher

this is a work in progress for studio. sorry for the the screen shots and shoddy representations. I will post as I progress and write about it as it materializes

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Check out this extremely amazing design for a urban lobby. I'm not going to say more, just check it out.

Digi Fab_Concrete Cast_Part/Whole Aggregation

Friday, October 26, 2007

The Legend

Per Alexa's suggestion.......
and i have another little diddy coming soon....
oh, and i promise to post work soon....

P.S. they encourage mullets at RISD.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Post Anything!

Alright, I know that I haven't posted anything in a while. Sorry I've been busy. So I'm going to take this free time I have and say that I want you all to post anything. For example, I just posted a rendering that I found by the studio Massive Studies, which is sweet. Have you ever seen another rendering with dinosaur's, transformers, and a random hot blond in it? I don't think so.

This is the random stuff that I want you all to post. It doesn't have to be random. Post your work, photos, cool stuff, great beer I might want to try, mullet man pictures that pissed off craig (hint: mac), and anything else.

I think that you can all post whatever you want. But if you can't tell me and I'll fix it.

Generative Form

In this assignment we had to find a piece of ornament from Louis Sullivan and trace something that we found interesting in it. Then take it into rhino and use a series of commands: loft, rail, sweep, ect. Once you have something, you then can use another series of operations to develop a form.

I used the lines from the first picture. Took it into rhino, moved the lines in the z_direction, then lofted. Once it was lofted, I mirrored the crap out of the form to produce whats in the other two pictures. I also used this new rendering software called hypershot. You can download a 15 day trial of it for free. But if you want to save the rendered image of it, you need to hit print screen right before its just about rendered. Since its a trial you can't save the rendered image.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Final Fieldscape Model

This is my final model for the conclusion of the week long fieldscape project. My part evolved into a thin long strip. Site had to introduced for the final part. For the site I decided to cut into the site by dividing it up into a grid and laser cutting out certain parts. Then I took the strip an wove it in and out of the site and glued at intervals at the end of the site.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Chuck's unit excercise

Here is my second model for the single unit project. John's last post was the first installment of the project where only ten units were required. This model has fifty identical units.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Part Models

For Friday we need to develop a single part in which we then take and compose a system out of that part. At this moment we are only to use ten parts in the system, which later transforms into 50 parts for Monday. When developing this system we need to concentrate on surface. Also each system is to be modeled out of different materials. At this present time I only have two systems to show, but I still need to develop one more for tomorrow. So if anyone cares to comment, that would be great.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

nocturnal slack topography

the wall on the side of Kroger photographed every five steps (non-stationary camera), then every time the shadow moved (stationary camera), then every 15 minutes as the sun rises (stationary camera).

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Mosaic_Arch Representation

Posted is a link to the emergent mosaic project for Arch Representation. Every student gets a square on the grid and has to post there own square five times through out the week. It became pretty fun when others uploaded theirs own square and then you can play off what they've done. The link is an animation of the entire week.

Nocternal Triptic Photos of Slack Space

For our design project were we asked to investigate slack spaces and topographies while documenting them at night. In the time of one week we needed to produce three photographs of slack spaces. One photo had to be documentational, another to be munipulated or fabricated, and the last was timelasp.